Silicon Graphics, Inc.
Worldwide Customer Support
6.4 Recommended/Required Patches
April 1, 1998

This CD-ROM contains patches from the WorldWide Customer Support Recommended/Required list of April 1, 1998. These patches are being provided to enhance system reliability and stability.


To read the relnotes for patches, open a shell and type:


Then select the patch from the Products menu.

Browsing information on this CD-ROM using a Netscape HTML Browser

If you wish to use your HTML browser to browse through information on patches contained on this CD-ROM, including relnotes, invoke netscape and point it to the HTML documents. For example, assuming the CD-ROM is mounted on /CDROM, open a shell and type in the following command:

netscape file:/CDROM/htdocs/index.html

Note: For best results use a Netscape browser version 2.0 or higher. Currently, these HTML files are not supported using a Lynx browser.

Installation Instructions

  1. After you click Dismiss for this README, Software Manager will bring up a dialogue and prompt you to choose from the list of patch sets. Make your selection and click Open.
  2. A second dialogue will come up which describes an optional script designed to select the appropriate patches for installation. Click OK to run the script.
  3. Click Customize Installation.
  4. If the Conflicts button highlights, click on it to resolve any conflicts.
  5. Click Start.

The following patch sets are available on this CD-ROM:

Special Note for Origin & Onyx2 Customers:

If your system is an Origin2000, Origin200 or Onyx2, you can determine which patch set to use above by running the command:

# uname -R

If the output from the command is "6.4 S2MP" then none of these patch sets apply to your system.

If the output from the command is "6.4 S2MP+OCTANE" then you are running IRIX 6.4 for Origin, Onyx2, and OCTANE and should use the distribution directory of 6.4_Origin200_Origin2000_Onyx2

If the output is neither "6.4 S2MP" nor "6.4 S2MP+OCTANE" then these patch sets do not apply to your Origin or Onyx2 system. Contact your local support provider for further assistance.



The "Pthread library fixes" patch has been removed from this set.
To do pthreads development, please install the 6.4 posix patch set.


Users who take advantage of large page sizes for application test should
install the April 1998 patch set to avoid system crashes.


The appropriate recommended/required patch set for the target platform
must also be installed along with these patches for POSIX